Thursday, January 13, 2011


Reina's coggins came back, which means she gets to come home soon! The date is set: next Thursday, I'll be bringing her back with me! I'm so very excited.

I'm getting all prepared. I bought a bunch of neat used horsey items for her (including black SMB boots, a purple saddle pad, a fly mask with purple fuzz lining, a fluffy girth, and a book of jumping exercises for horse & rider), and I got the first shipment of those yesterday. The girth should be here tomorrow. And I'm getting her a brand-new... purple riding halter with matching (purple with white tracer) adjustable reins and, of course, a matching lead rope! Yay!!

So that's all, really. I just wanted to gush. It's finally happening. I'm actually getting a new horse. Who knew my persistence would pay off and that things really would work out!?

Today is a good day.

I'll add another post in before she comes home just to keep you guys interested (if anyone is indeed out there). I've been wanting to write about why I'm choosing to retrain in a hackamore/riding halter and why I'm going to clicker train.

Stay tuned!

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