Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Grr. But Also, Yay!

The Grr: It's RAINING. I planned for today to be a wondrous horse-and-rider bonding time. The carrots were chopped up, I went to bed on time so I could get up earlyish to have most of the day to spend with her, and everything. But it's RAINING! And not like, oh no, it's sprinkling, whatever will I do. It's like, there's-a-creek-in-the-middle-of-the-road, kitty-and-I-got-woken-up-by-thunder-that-made-us-both-jump-three-feet-in-the-air, oh-my-God-how-did-it-get-that-wet-outside, the-sound-of-the-rain-on-the-window-almost-isn't-even-relaxing-anymore-because-it's-so-crazy-LOUD kind of rain. Which means that the .5 mile stretch of dirt road I have to drive on in my little bitty 10-year-old sports car is... probably covered with puddles and/or is just one giant stretch of water. Not to mention that the barn doesn't have a road, per se... it's just that I drive around on the grass. Eep.

Which means... I will not be seeing Reina today. And this is so saddening, after not seeing her Sunday AND Monday, that I ordered Chinese food to alleviate the pain (and also because I'm hungry). I checked the forecast, and it's supposed to rain ALL day, and on into the night. :(

A picture of me and Reina on the best trail ride ever. Her previous
owner finally emailed me these, so now I get to share them! Yay!

The Yay: She's sound!! I called yesterday to check on her (since I had school things and couldn't go in person), and they said she's putting weight on her abscess-y hoof and getting along perfectly well! Yay!! I couldn't be happier. :D (Well, I could be - if it WASN'T RAINING!) But really, this is fabulous news.

Also, I'm getting a miracle cribbing collar for half price because it's used! A nice person offered to send me theirs since they don't use it anymore. Seriously, guys, if you don't troll the HGS Forums, you really should! I've gotten so much great advice and many great ideas and lots of cheap, used tack and goodies from them. It's great!

Yep, another one of me and Rei on the trail! And yes, I rode with my stirrups 
like that the entire ride. They were too long, so, I rode stirrupless! *flex*

Anddd... I splurged on Reina more! This is becoming a common theme in my life, I think! lol. I got her a small bottle of Healthy HairCare (the mane/tail/coat conditioner), some Hilton Herballs (which I read about in a fabulous blog called I Am Boyfriend - they're all-natural, sugar free, healthy, and small, which hopefully means they'll be great for clicker training!), and a fabulous equine spray bottle (it's purple, and has a horse on it! Yay!!). I'm so excited. I can't wait to try out the HHC and the treats; her coat/mane/tail really need some lovin', so hopefully the HHC will help them get healthy again faster than just nutrition alone *crosses fingers*. And the treats, well, new treats are always fun. And, naturally, I needed the fancy horse spray bottle for the HHC. Besides, it matched. How could I resist??

Well, that's it for today, since I can't actually go out and see my lovely mare. She'll have to be neglected until tomorrow. Hopefully it stops raining before tomorrow... sigh!

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