So she was a really good girl again today! I brought her in to love on her and groom her, and she stood very still without a lot of encouragement. She picked up her feet even better than last time, and kept her head down 80% of the time without me really having to ask her. She behaved better and I only had to click her about half the amount I did last time. And she was totally fine with the spray again! Yay!
So then I clipped on her reins, slipped on her rhythm beads, and put my helmet on. I walked her up to the fence and hopped on! She stumbled when I got on her... I don't think she was expecting it, or something? Who knows. But she wiggled funny and started walking, but stopped when I asked. I worked on making her listen to my leg, and clicking when she responded to just a light touch to walk off. I didn't let her walk off without me, either, because even though it's technically not really a big deal, it's a bad habit to get into either way.
Proof that I was riding bitless! ;)
She started off well, but I worked on halting, backing, and walking off when I asked. She was responding really well, but then decided to snort at the (empty and abandoned) broodmare barn and not want to walk towards it. I clicked her for behaving herself. She didn't misbehave or spook... she just wanted to go not towards the scary thing. I had to convince her that she should head towards it because I wanted her to... she thought that was a stupid reason to go towards it, but after a few clicks she calmed down and it didn't bother her anymore.
I headed her out to the big open field in the middle of the property, and I felt her say "can I go!?" and begin to, but I picked up slack on the reins and said "no ma'am!" and she didn't even break stride! She just kept walking with some pep in her step. I was really proud of her! Who needs bits and saddles, anyways!?
Okay, so her legs aren't really that giant. But since I go out alone,
this is the only way I can take pictures of us riding! Haha.
So basically I just walked her around the big field, working on her listening to me instead of herself, to my legs and hands and seat. I'm trying to ask very quietly, as quietly as I can, to make her light to ride. I think it's working; I don't think I had to pull hard once.
She snorted at a big hole made by some sort of animal, and pricked her ears and sniffed at some little anthills, but that was about it! Otherwise I just worked at keeping her straight, turning her where I liked, getting her all soft and responsive. She was so good! She didn't spook once even though we passed a truck, a trailer, a scary broodmare barn (lol), a house, fields of other horses, and a million other potentially scary things. She's never seen this big field before, but she didn't get over-enthusiastic and take off with me, either!
Nick met us about halfway through our ride and she stood fine while I chatted with him, but she started yawning and turning her head and snuffling the ground... she was like "Moooooom, I'm standing here being good, but I'm BOOOOOOOORED!" She didn't move, though, so I didn't mind her antics! They were cute and she wasn't bugging him or me, although she did sniff both of my boots in turn with her best "please give me cookies" look.
She's so cuuuute! She likes to pose when I bring out the camera,
so she swung her head around and pricked her ears.
Nick walked beside us back to the barn, so she followed him and did totally fine with that! I clicked her for standing like a good horse for so long, and then just let her free walk back to the barn next to Nick. Then I called it a day! She got her food (which pleased her immensely) and a quick brush-down, and her cribbing collar went back on (which she did NOT like) and I turned her out.
She was especially adorable today - she knows that I like to snuggle, and apparently, she does too! She's started dropping her head into my arms more often to get petted and loved on. It's super adorable. She was rubbing her forehead on me in front of Nick and I was like, "well, I think she's warming up to me" and he laughed and said she was clearly happy to see me.
I'm so glad she and I are getting along! But really, she's so sweet and smart, how could we not??
Overall, a very good day! I think I'm going to take her out on a trail ride with Nick and see how she does on Thursday. We shall see! I already know she's great on trail rides; just need to work on gait control; she has "fast" and "slow" settings, but that's about it - I don't think she ever really had flatwork. Which is fine, for a trail horse, but I want her to be more than that! Hence teaching her cues at a walk for now. I don't want to rush her, but I see no reason she and I couldn't hit the trails to have some fun. :D
Aw that sounds like a great day! I'm glad she's moving forward with the training so well :)
ReplyDeleteThanks!! I'm really proud of her, especially after our trail ride today! She's progressing a lot faster than I thought she would, and it's very heartening!! :D